State Avenue Corridor Plan



Client:  Mid-America Regional Council


Project:  State Avenue Corridor Plan


Year:  2012 to 2103


Project Description:


The State Avenue Corridor Plan was one of six corridor plans initiated by the Mid-America Regional Council’s Creating Sustainable Places grant to focus planning and development efforts along major transit corridors in the metropolitan area.  These corridors are envisioned to be vibrant, connected, and green examples of more sustainable development models.

State Avenue is a prominent east-west arterial in Kansas City, Kansas, that connects downtown with the International Speedway and the Village West development on the western edge of the county. Over 13 miles in length, State Avenue is planned as a new BRT line and includes the urban core of Kansas City, Kansas, the post-WWII suburbs and it’s newest and healthiest developments.

Collins Noteis & Associates was part of a multi-disciplinary team led by Wallace Roberts & Todd that developed new sustainable models for redevelopment of two major nodes along the corridor.  Based on market analysis, the team worked with specific property owners to create realistic development plans that meet future market demand and can serve as pilot projects for long-term sustainable models and catalysts for greener redevelopment along the corridor.         

Citizens at work on the new Plan