East Gateway Redevelopment Plan



Project: East Gateway Redevelopment Plan


Client(s):  in conjunction with Bowman Bowman & Novick for the Cities of Mission, Fairway and Roeland Park, Kansas

Year: 2010


Project Description:

The East Gateway Redevelopment Plan was completed for the three northeastern Johnson County, Kansas cities of Mission, Fairway and Roeland Park.  The plan established a framework for redevelopment plans on the site of a demolished shopping center that forms a prominent gateway into the three communities. 


The plan provides development and streetscape guidelines for changing the predominant suburban development pattern into a mixed-use, pedestrian friendly environment.  Key features include a road diet, infill development guidelines, an open-air market, neighborhood preservation, exciting new public spaces and sustainable infrastructure solutions.

This project was led by Bowman Bowman Novick, with Collins Noteis & Associates providing planning and community engagement services.