Hickman Mills Area Plan

Client: City of Kansas City, Missouri


Project:  Hickman Mills Area Plan 

Year: 2007


Project Description:  The Hickman Mills Area Plan was completed for the City of Kansas City, Missouri in 2007 as one of 19 area plans that serve as the land use plans of record under the FOCUS Kansas City Comprehensive Master Plan.  The process included a civic Steering Committee and numerous public meetings that focused on the future of this vibrant southeastern section of the city that emerged as one of Kansas City’s first ring suburbs.  


Collins Noteis & Associates, in association with HNTB completed a technical analysis of land use patterns and trends, development and market trends, current infrastructure, housing conditions, and environmental conditions.

Neighborhood participants identified goals and developed options for future development.  The preferred alternative recommended design guidelines to enhance and reinforce the area’s distinctive character and unique sense of place and strategies for public infrastructure investment, transportation upgrades, revitalization of neighborhoods that were some of the first to experience the housing foreclosure crisis and sustainable strategies for storm water impact and the preservation of the natural environment.