Hospital Hill Urban Market Feasibility Study

Client: Hosptal Hill Economic Development Corporation (Kansas City)


Project:  Hospital Hill Urban Grocery Store Market Feasibility Study in conjunction with Bowman Bowman & Novick, Taliaferro & Browne, Curls, Jude Jospeh, and Development Strategies


Year: 2011


Project Description:

Collins Noteis & Associates led a multi-disciplinary planning and design team in evaluating the feasibility of a new grocery store near Truman Medical Center in Kansas City, Missouri.


Addressing the central city food desert challenge, the study focused on creative methods for financing a full-service health-oriented store to complement the hospital's emphasis on prevention and healthy lifestyles. The study included a market analysis and two primary site evaluations with design concepts before the site at 27th & Troost Avenue was selected.


The project has moved forward using the recommended financing model, and will provide central city residents with an affordable, accessible, and nutritionally based grocery store/retail center that serves as a model for other parts of the city.