St. Joseph Southside Redevelopment Plan
Client: Southside St. Joseph (Missouri) Redevelopment Corporation
Project: Southside St. Joseph Redevelopment Plan
Year: 2011-12
Project Description:
The South St. Joseph community, commonly known as Southside, is an historic and eclectic mix of businesses, residential and industrial land uses related to the original stockyards, railroad and
meat packing industries dating from 1887. The area has declined since the stockyards declined and surrounding industries changed. It still remains a tight-knit community and home to over 5,000
residents, numerous small neighborhood businesses and large industrial users.
The redevelopment plan was completed in early 2012 under the leadership of local civic leaders with active community involvement from residents as well as business owners and local elected
officials. The plan outlines a redevelopment strategy for converting the 120 year old “junction” area into a unique, lively cultural arts and entertainment district that emphasizes the
community’s historic buildings and character.
It is envisioned to rebuild the local business strength and create new public gathering space for events, a farmer’s market, space for galleries, boutique shops and district signage, streetscape and
identity markers. It includes plans for new infill development as well as renovation of existing buildings and new parking. The plan includes 14 implementation steps for the community to pursue
to bring the redevelopment vision to fruition.